Imagine Hugh Hefner developed a sudden passion for knitting, and when you buy a Playboy magazine, and open the fold-out, you find a knitting pattern there instead of a centerfold. :) Not very likely, because a print magazine rarely changes its subject matter. But a blog does not have such a guarantee of its content.
I write this because I noticed that my blog has changed during the last year. I used to have more game reviews, beta reports, and general MMORPG articles. But nowadays I'm much more monogameous, excuse the pun. I play World of Warcraft nearly exclusively, and thus my writing also is mostly about WoW.
I just got an invite to beta test World of Qin 2. But instead of downloading and trying that game, I just looked at the trailer. World of Qin 2 is a Chinese game, based on Chinese culture instead of Tolkien, but otherwise it looks very much like some sort of Diablo multiplayer game. 3D avatars on 2D isometric backgrounds, and a gameplay consisting of endless point-and-click combat. I'm just not even tempted to try it, even if the game promises to have a tradeskill system with endless possible combinations of stats. I'm just not interested in most of these Asian MMORPGs, I gave up on the RF Online beta after 15 minutes.
So I'm probably failing the expectations of some of my readers, as I'm not keeping up with beta tests any more. I'm just still too busy with my different World of Warcraft characters. And that might well continue for another year or more, if the Burning Crusade expansion is any good.
On the other hand I'm not giving a WoW content guarantee either. I always write about what I play at the moment. One day I will lose interest in WoW, play something else, and write about that instead. I just don't know when that day will come. If I count the September 2004 beta, I'm now playing WoW as long as I did play Everquest, and there is a strong possibility that it will become my longest played MMORPG ever. But long doesn't mean forever. I played Magic the Gathering from 1994 to 2000 with paper cards, and the again from 2002 to 2003 in the online version, but have lost interest in that game pretty much completely. My old MtGO FAQ and Guide web site is out of service.
So I give my excuses to anybody who was expecting some specific content and instead got something else. I'd give you your money back, if you had paid me in the first place. :)
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