I made level 16 with my priest on the new server. And as always on a new server, where money is tight, I came up with a crazy get-rich-quick scheme. But strangely this time it actually worked, and I'm probably the only level 16 running around with nearly 5 gold pieces in the pocket. And the secret is fishing in Stranglethorn.
The original idea was to skill up fishing to 150, participate in the Sunday's Stranglethorn fishing contest, lose, and hand in the Tastyfish at 23 silver per stack of 5 to the apprentice angler quest. But I started early, and swam around the coast of Stranglethorn to find good fishing spots, where a level 16 wouldn't be eaten. And there I found lots of "Floating Wreckage", which you can fish in and find iron and mithril trunks, containing all sorts of goodies. The highlight were a level 38 green leather pants, and a level 40 green mail coif. But I also got everything from bolts of silk to bolts of runecloth, heavy to rugged leather, and a bunch of healing and mana potions up to level 35. I vendored the greens (the stats weren't that good, and there isn't a market for level 40 items on the server yet), as well as the bolts of runecloth and rugged leather. That plus the money from the fishing event made me over 4 gold, so I'm feeling rather rich for my level.
Fishing at level 16 in Stranglethorn is exciting. :) Worst are the crocodiles and naga, who swim out to kill you. The dinosaurs and basilisks can't swim, so they might prevent you from standing at the shore to fish, but at least they don't kill you. But there are a surprising number of places where you can fish without aggroeing anything. And as the fishing rewards are obviously made for level 40 characters, they are extremely good for a level 16. So that gives me an unusual and dangerous activity, with a huge reward. What more can you want from a game?
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