Friday, November 24, 2006

Your worst World of Warcraft decision?

When playing World of Warcraft you have to take a lot of decisions: What server to play on, what character class, what talent build, what guild to join, and many more. And while we'd like to think of ourselves as perfect, given a large enough number of decisions to take, we are sure to get some of them wrong. So to get some discussion going for this weekend, I'd like you to tell your worst World of Warcraft decision. Did you chose a PvP server and hated being ganked? Did you join a guild where you didn't fit in?

My worst World of Warcraft decision was leveling a second priest to 60. Playing the other faction was fun, and chosing a character class that gets easily invited to groups had a certain logic. But of course I should have taken some other popular class, like a druid or mage. Ending up with two level 60 priests was just plain dumb, at level 60 they play too much alike, whether they are Horde or Alliance. The idea of having several level 60s is to have a choice of playing something different, having the choice between two priests wasn't very clever.

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