Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Shut up they're talking

Just a short link to Virgin Worlds podcast Shut Up We're Talking #45, in which I'm mentioned as extreme end of a blogger privacy scale, the opposite of people who put their real life photo, name, and address on their blog, and then Twitter about that they are eating cornflakes now. Interesting discussion, but I think they missed a major point on why somebody would be interested in privacy. It isn't the fear that somebody doesn't like a blog post of mine and comes to my house to slaughter me with an axe.

Rather the problem is the reverse: What if somebody who only knows you in a professional context googles your name and finds your gaming blog instead of whatever professional info he was after? There have been reports of people getting fired for blogging. Or people not getting a job in the first place, because somebody from human resources found compromising pictures of them on Facebook. Now a gaming blog might not be quite as compromising as drunken nude pictures, but it does leave an impression which might be different from the one you are trying to convey, unless you work in the gaming industry. Is your employer or prospective employer really going to say "Wow, great writing skills, fine analysis, I must hire that guy"? Or will he dismiss you as somebody who spends far too much time with games, and not enough time working on "serious" things?

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