Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Recommend a game to me!

I often recommend games to my readers. That isn't that easy, because I'm effectively talking to all of you at the same time, and the game which is a good fit for one player, isn't necessarily so for another. For a good recommendation, you need to know more about the person you are recommending the game to. Fortunately you all know a lot more about my preferences than I know about yours. You recommending a game to me should thus be much easier. So it's time for you to return the favor: Recommend a game to me!

To make matters even simpler, I'll state my preferences again:
  • The game should be a MMORPG, but can be of any genre, not just fantasy.
  • The game must be available. No recommendations of games that aren't out yet, there should be at least an open beta this year.
  • NO non-consentual PvP. Not even of the "you'll rarely get attacked in the high security zones if you don't carry anything valuable" variety. If there is even the slightest chance to get ganked involuntarily, the game is out.
  • The game must have some PvE. No "social spaces" virtual worlds with no game in them please.
  • The game must at least have a separate client, no browser games please. But anything from a 2D Free2Play game with a thousand players to a triple A multi-million subscribers game is okay.
  • Any business model is okay with me, whether it is monthly subscription or microtransactions or something else. It would be nice if the game offered at least a free trial.
  • A strong player-run economy with a good crafting system is a definitive plus.
  • Preferably a game I haven't played yet, as far as you know. Don't recommend WoW. :)
So, given these preferences, and whatever else you know about me, what game would you recommend I should play?

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