Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Raid content useage

This comment from Chrismue merrits a separate blog entry: The Playon site published their statistical analysis of raid content use in World of Warcraft. In short:

In one month, with nearly a quarter of a million players observed, only 30% of all level 60 players have participated in any raid content, including the small raids to Stratholme or Scholomance (which soon will be disabled).

Only 5% of all players have visited ZG, MC, or BWL in that month. Of these 28% were just looking around, spending less than 1 hour per month in these places. Thus only 3.6% of all players really did any serious raiding to ZG, MC, or BWL.

You can easily see that less than 1% of players of level 60 will ever see the next dungeon under development, Naxxramas, because it is harder than BWL, and basically needs 40 people in full epic gear to go there.

Nobody says that Blizzard shouldn't add high-level content to the game. But spending 99% of development effort on 1% of the population isn't justified. Even if casual players will one day hit level 70 and do a casual raid to Naxxramas (which will yield them barely useful loot at level 70), this added content does in not way justify the considerable development time spent on it. If only 30% of all level 60 are raiding, then 70% of all level 60 players haven't had any new dungeons for them added since Dire Maul over a year ago. And no, repainting Scholo and Stratholme as 5-man dungeons doesn't count, because that will only raise the number of people who don't raid to over 90% of level 60 players.

I want more content that is accessible to the majority of level 60 players!!!

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