Monday, May 17, 2010

The Guild Leader's Handbook

Ah, the joys of transatlantic postal service! Today I received a review copy of The Guild Leader's Handbook from writer Scott F. Andrews, published by No Starch Press, and mailed to me three weeks ago. Leading a guild in a MMORPG is a rather specialized subject area, thus No Starch Press wisely decided to market their book there where the small circle of potential customers was likely to hang out: On MMORPG blogs. By handing out free review copies left and right.

There is a detailed review on Blessing of Kings.

Another review at World of Matticus.

A medium sized review at Kill Ten Rats.

A short praise at Hardcore Casual.

A short look at We Fly Spitfires.

LarĂ­sa from the Pink Pigtail Inn opted out of a review.

And probably a lot of other sites I missed or didn't list because they weren't MMO blogs.

So what could possibly be left for me to write? Well, nothing soon, that is for sure, as I first have to read the book, and I'm currently rather busy with a lot of other stuff. But when I do, I'll probably have some thoughts to write down. Not a review, because that has already been sufficiently covered, but just some personal thoughts on where I agree or disagree with the author. I do find the subject of guild management an interesting one. And I don't mind promoting a book which would otherwise get very little attention if just placed in the window of a bookstore.

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