Sunday, May 23, 2010

Thought for the day: WoW bashing

It has become somewhat fashionable in some blogging circles to complain about World of Warcraft players being stupid, mindless, and whatever else. Invariably those comments come from people who have played World of Warcraft themselves for hundreds of hours; and I don't think they admit being stupid themselves. Why is it that if somebody burns out from a game after playing a long time, it must be that the game is bad and its players dumb? Why is it to hard to say "I played WoW, I liked it, but then I grew bored and stopped"? Why would stopping to play a game cause shame and anger?

Don't you think that all this WoW bashing is telling us a lot more about the inferiority complex of the people doing the bashing than about World of Warcraft itself?

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