Friday, January 4, 2008

Touching a nerve

I was a bit surprised by the reactions to my post yesterday on what to do next in WoW, it seems I touched a nerve there. Either the post came out totally wrong, or the commenters were overreacting, and projecting their own fears into words I didn't really say.

As you know I recently completed a big project in WoW, getting the money for my second flying epic mount together. I think it is only natural after completing one big project to stop and pause to think what your next big project should be. I tried to list all the options, but maybe I felt more need to explain why I don't like the options I dislike than to explain what options I like and why. In any case I don't see why some people interpreted that as me being totally fed up with WoW and ready to jump off a cliff. That is totally not true. And the next guy calling me "emo" gets his comment deleted! ;)

I believe World of Warcraft is the best game out there, and believe me, I spent 7 months last year to look for a better option and there wasn't one. While I'm certainly interested in trying the next new games, I believe on WAR has the potential to keep me playing for more than a few months, and I don't believe that WAR will come out in the first half of 2008. I'd like to be wrong in that, but only if the resulting early release isn't *too* early, wouldn't want WAR to pull a Vanguard.

I do enjoy playing in 5-man groups in WoW, and even in raids. But when listing my options of course I have to mention that organizing groups or raids has some difficulties. Not saying that it is impossible or that I think I'll never be able to get into a group or raid. But I can't just overlook the obvious problems of quality of PUGs, the current relative unpopularity of PvE due to high PvP rewards, being on a low-population server, or my personal timing problems with raids. Problems that I might be able to overcome or work around somehow. I also enjoy leveling my mage alt, but again I must be allowed to at least mention that I already did most of the quests between his current level and the level cap, and repeating old content is of course not quite as interesting as new content.

As always when somebody says something relatively neutral about a MMORPG, I got responses of the "WoW is perfect and you are emo" kind, and "WoW is boring and you should quit". My thanks goes to those commenters who kept cool and helped me listing and reevaluating options instead of overreacting and calling me names. The others should take a minute to consider why they reacted so strongly, and whether their own feelings towards WoW are still rational.

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