Sunday, January 6, 2008

WoW Journal - 7-January-2008

Ah, the weekend! Longer play sessions, more people online during the day, and only only one "raid night" in my guild: ideal conditions to find guild groups. I managed to do two heroics groups, one with my priest to Shadow Labyrinth, and one with my warrior to Botanica. In both cases we killed all the bosses, confirming my estimate that my characters are well equipped now to do heroics with the right team. Although Botanica with my warrior was a bit limit, we had a situation or two where the priest simply couldn't heal me fast enough. A bit more health or armor would have helped. Well, I'm starting a collection of badges of justice, and maybe I get lucky with drops, so one day he should be ready for anything. This run no suitable plate armor dropped, but a nice one-hand sword for soloing, Revenger. For tanking I'll keep the Crystalblade of the Draenei.

Talking of "being ready for anything", my warrior also finished his attunement to Karazhan in the Black Morass. Wow, has that place been nerfed! It's not trivially easy, but a *lot* easier than it was originally. My priest at the time took 13 attempts to get attuned, and that wasn't even considered unusual then. My warrior now finished Black Morass on the first try. We only had one death, no wipe, and that was because the second boss is immune to taunt, which makes keeping aggro difficult. Only disadvantage of finishing so fast is that my warrior only got to honored reputation that way. :) Well, if the opportunity arrises I can alway help others to do Caverns of Time dungeons and gather some more reputation. I even got the Caverns of Time heroic key, back in the days the very idea to even try BM on heroic made people laugh.

Most of my soloing time this weekend I spent with skilling up fishing, but that's a story for another day.

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