Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Google Maps can be used for a lot of different applications, and now somebody came up with an idea of using it for a wargame. BattleCell has the map of the world overlayed with 55 million cells. When you sign up for the game, you get one of these cells, and have to try to build an empire from there, buying or conquering more cells. I can't tell you more, because I couldn't test the game, as it is incompatible with Internet Explorer, and I haven't got anything else installed on my new computer.

But from a game design point of view, I can already see a problem: Map size is a critical factor for many games. Too much space and players never find each other, too little space and it's getting crowded. I have a sneaking suspicion that 55 million cells is too many for the amount of players they can hope to get for that sort of browser game.

Anyway, if this is something that could interest you, check it out and post some feedback here!

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