Friday, May 8, 2009

Building a virtual padded cell

With Aventurine now refusing to have their game re-reviewed, Darkfall fans declaring war on Eurogamer via YouTube, and the Eurogamer reviewer receiving death threats, neither side is coming out very well from this conflict. To most people it looks like a fight of unprofessional game reviewer vs. the looney fringe. You could call the Darkfall fans "passionate", but they do have a history of aggression against anyone daring to say anything critical about their game.

Of course that can be fun. A bit like one of those monkey with cymbals toys: You press the button, the monkey predictably starts making a lot of noise. You criticize Darkfall, the looney fringe is going rabid on your forum / comments section. But of course, just like the cymbal monkey, that gets old rather quickly.

So to contain the looney fringe, I have a proposal for all gaming blogs and sites: We build a virtual padded cell by not mentioning Darkfall again. Ever. Whatever outrageous act they might commit next to try to get our attention. We delete all Darkfall comments from this point on, and forget the game even exists. We remove all Darkfall blogs from our blogrolls and RSS feed readers, and let them rave in their virtual padded cell. Because once you stop giving them any attention, they can't hurt you any more. The problem will simply go away, and we aren't confronted with the unpleasant option of either saying dishonestly nice things about Darkfall, or living in fear of the looney fringe.

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