Saturday, December 16, 2006

Decursive replacement

I went raiding yesterday to Molten Core with my undead priest, and with the help of someone from the guild found a good replacement for Decursive. And the beauty is that you don't even need to download anything, you just make a "Decursive 2.0" macro saying

/cast [target=mouseover] Dispel Magic

What that does is when you press the hotkey for the macro it casts Dispel Magic (replace with the name of your decursing spell if you ain't a priest) on whatever target your mouse is hovering over. You don't need to click with the mouse to decurse. In a big raid I just set up CTRaidAssist to display all curses that I can dispell and just whack-a-mole, hovering the mouse over the list of players and spamming the decursive macro button. In a small group I could even target the players on the screen, as curses change their avatars color. It isn't quite as fast as the old Decursive, but pretty close. Nifty!

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