Sunday, October 8, 2006

Revered with Frostwolf

My troll warrior finally made it to revered with the Frostwolf faction of Alterac Valley, in spite of constantly losing the majority of battles. So I got myself I nice blue one-handed axe as reward, and then considered the serious question whether I want to continue to exhalted. But for the moment I think it isn't worth it.

While the shield and two-handed weapons from being exalted are nice, my warrior is dual-wielding fury spec. And the only one-handed epic reward you can get is the Lobotomizer dagger. Which isn't exactly the weapon I'd like to have for PvE. Nice dps, but no stat bonuses, and the intelligence debuff is totally useless against mobs. So if I made it to exalted, I would only buy the shield and two-hand weapon to bank them.

The other problem is the epic mount you can get at exalted reputation, because it has been nerfed at patch 1.12.1. It only costs 8 gold, instead of 80 gold for a normal epic. But as you still have to spend 720 gold to learn epic riding skill, the saving is minimal. Do I really want to spend many more days in AV, just to save 72 gold on an epic mount? Maybe later.

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