Thursday, March 22, 2007

Compared to a toothache ...

I went to the dentist yesterday evening, with a light toothache, and ended up getting two root canal treatments. Ouch! And if that wasn't unpleasant enough, I will have to go again several times, and get a new bridge capping the two teeth and the empty spot between them. This being considered as "cosmetic" by my health insurance, I have to pay about 80% of the cost of 2,000 Euro. Ouch, ouch, ouch! Not that I couldn't afford this, but at the end I'll just arrive at the same quality of life than before the toothache, and poorer. The only good thing is that it provided me with some insight on how cheap my hobbies are.

For example the total cost for LotRO, buying the game itself and a lifetime subscription, will be only 200 Euro. Compared to a toothache that is a lot more fun, and much cheaper. Even the unreasonable splurge on the top-notch computer I just ordered, when depreciated over its predicted lifetime of 4 years, is just 750 Euro per year.

Assuming you would buy a computer that runs World of Warcraft comfortably well for 1,000 dollar, buy one copy of WoW of $20, and subscribe for 4 years on the 6-months plan at $12.99, you end up paying just $400 per year for playing World of Warcraft. Well, add another $400 per year for the broadband internet connection if you consider that without WoW you wouldn't pay for internet. But even that is cheap compared to many other hobbies. And compared to a toothache ...

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