Monday, December 3, 2007

PotBS open beta

Flying Lab software announced the open beta for Pirates of the Burning Sea starting on Friday for people who weren't in the closed beta. Note how I didn't divulge that fact, although I knew that for a while, because the devs asked us beta testers not to leak this before.

I did apparently break the PotBS NDA by posting my review 12 hours before the NDA drop was officially announced, but I thought the devs saying on the beta boards that the NDA dropped on the 3rd was sufficient. Now Keen is pissed at me. Not quite sure whether that is because he has a much more strict legal interpretation of "click to accept" contracts (which aren't necessarily legally binding in every country) than me, or whether he just felt I cheated in some imaginary "who gets the review out first" game. You should read his review anyway, it is quite good. Keen was one of the prime sources of PotBS information over the last months, and now he is writing on the IGN PotBS Vault. Sorry, Keen, I just wanted to get this out as fast as possible. I would say that our purpose here to spread the good word about PotBS is the same, and it wasn't my purpose to "beat" you or anyone.

In the spirit of this I should also mention another good PotBS review, this one from Potshot. I totally agree with his recommendation of: "Its fun but not in a MMO crack sort of way to me. I could see that it could really be a hoot with a decent Society (aka guild) of friends and I could see where it becomes one of those games that sneaks up and starts stealing all your time. My recommendation would be to get in the open beta and see if its your cup of tea." So go to Fileplanet on Friday and get into the open PotBS beta!

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