Wednesday, September 6, 2006

WoW Journal - 6-September-2006

I've been slacking both in playing WoW and blogging about it. No idea if that is burn-out, or just a phase. My horde priest went raiding on the weekend, as usual, and for the very first time participated in killing Ragnaros. I also got the robes of prophecy, bringing me up to 6 out of 8 pieces of the tier 1 set. Nevertheless I'm growing a bit bored of Molten Core. My guild is doing raids to ZG and AQ20 during weekdays, starting relatively late, and I rarely participate, having to get up at 6:30 am the morning after. I'm reluctant to change my sleeping habits just so that I can raid during weekdays, I think a good nights sleep is rather important.

Calling need on the Robes of Prophecy was actually a moral dilemma. I was already wearing epic robes, self-tailored Truefaith Vestments. And in some situations the Truefaith Vestments, with their better +healing bonus and mana regeneration, can be considered to be better than the Robes of Prophecy, which have more +intelligence and +spirit instead. In the end I decided to go for the robes, as the other regular priest raiders already had them, and if I hadn't called need for them, some guy who only rarely participates would have gotten them. It is hard to feel loyalty towards somebody you've never grouped/raided with.

I've looked at a few 8-piece set bonuses of other classes tier 1 sets, for example the warlock set gives a 15% mana reduction on all shadow spells for the complete set. The warriors complete set increases the threat from Sunder Armor by 15%, which would be very useful for tanking. The mages set decrease the threat produced by all spells by 15%. So what does the complete set of the priests tier 1 armor give for a bonus? A +25% chance to crit for the Prayer of Healing spell. Doh! Due to the way our groups are set up in raids, I'm usually in a group full of healers, and never use Prayer of Healing. It seems to be not highly useful in raids, although I love the spell in 5-man groups. But even if I used it, a +25% crit bonus on a single spell isn't really a good bonus.

Meanwhile my Alliance priest leveled up to 58, doing quests in Felwood and Winterspring. Shouldn't be long to level 60 now. Curiously I'm not doing any more dungeon expeditions, people prefer to have people first get to level 60 before they invite them to one of the end-game 5-man dungeons, like Scholomance, Stratholme, Blackrock Spire or Dire Maul. So the only group I did recently was farming Timbermaw faction by killing lots of Deadwood furbolgs in Felwood in a group with two mages and a druid. That was actually quite fun, fast and furious, and got me not only to neutral with the Timbermaw, but also nearly half a level of xp, due to me having a big reserve of rest xp bonus from my US trip last week. I don't think I'll be grinding Timbermaw faction to friendly just to get the Mooncloth Boots recipe, I'd rather try to get the Devout Sandals from Stratholme.

Well, I'll get to level 60 first, and then see whether I still like playing that Alliance priest in a uber leet guild. Could be interesting to see them raiding, they seem to be highly skilled in it. But it could well be that they are way too serious for me, or that I lag too far behind. In which case I'm not quite sure what to play until the Burning Crusade comes out. Leveling the Alliance priest sure was fun, but level 60 always has a certain "game over" feel.

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