Wednesday, July 5, 2006

WoW Journal - 6-July-2006

I had a quite interesting evening, playing both of my priests again. My low-level priest was doing quests in Duskwood, when he met a mage on a field full of worgen. I buffed the mage, he buffed me, and then he asked me whether I wanted to group with him. As I needed to kill those worgen for a quest, I agreed. Now a mage / priest duo is interesting. The mage ran around and aggroed half a dozen worgen, then killed them with AoE spells, while I kept him alive. Reminded me a lot of the old days when I was quadkiting in Everquest with my druid, just that in WoW it goes a lot faster.

Then I switched to my high-level priest and joined a Zul'Gurub raid. That is something I rarely do, because my guild does the 40-man raids on weekends, and the 20-man raids during the week, and I'm usually not staying up long enough to raid on a weeknight. But occasionally I make an exception, just to see other places than MC and Onyxia. On this trip we killed the panther boss and the tiger boss, but failed to kill the hydra in the water around Hakkar's island.

The good news is that from this raid I received the Will of Arlokk staff. The bad news is that I only got it after a nasty discussion, because some people claimed that this was a staff for druids only. Excuse me? A staff with +35 spirit bonus doesn't exactly shout "druid" to me. But the argument was that "priests get Benediction", so they wouldn't be qualified for any other staves. Now I've read the guide how to get Benediction, and I don't see me getting that staff anytime soon. We will have to kill Majordomo a couple more times before I could even get the first piece for the quest, and then there is WoW's most difficult solo event, which you can try only every two hours, and if a stranger just happens to run and does anything, you lose. And then you still need to assemble a raid to kill Kazzak in the Blasted Lands. So the assumption that all priests get the Benediction staff is simply wrong. That is like saying tanks aren't allowed to roll for weapons, because they get Quel'Serar.

Well, in the end I got the Will of Arlokk, and it is looking great. The staff has a very fancy large snake head, and looks better even than Benediction. Now I actually *look* like someone equipped with epics. :) The only problem is that I'll have to gather the materials for another +22 int enchantment again. I hadn't thought I'd find anything better than the Trindlehaven Staff for some time, so I wasted the materials to enchant that one a few weeks ago. Well, I still have the bank full of enchanting materials, I just need to get some more Greater Eternal Essences.

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